MMT - Manage My Tree


MMT - Manage My Tree allows you to remove, add or move pages and branches with one mouseclick or to create whole or partial trees from a template using the OPML format and your favorite outline tool.

MMT helps you to create and organize your pagetrees.

  • Import pagetrees from a template, using the OPML format and your favorite outline tool.
  • Use the templates already installed on your Confluence.
  • Insert the whole tree or single branches or pages to create only those pages that you really need and that you are working on right now.
  • Want to add more later? Don't worry, MMT remembers which elements you already inserted and avoids duplicates.
  • Add, remove or move pages or branches with the click of a mouse in any space.

If you want to find out more about about more about OPML go to or read a description on Wikipedia.

MMT is open source software and distributed under an Apache 2.0 license. You'll find the source code and binaries on Github.

For general feedback and inquiries send an e-mail to: